Bertrand Pitt: Travellings, Opens Aug 10th!

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Bertrand’s work is an exploration of unexpected connections between sound and image and their place in space questioning perceptual habits. His video installations and interactive works explore sensitive and cognitive connections between body and landscape giving condition for experiences which amalgamates contemplation, doubt and fascination.

Travellings is an installation of filmed landscapes that arise first as electronic abstract pictures eventually their origins are revealed gradually by the interaction of the viewer. Travellings questions the experience of motion; the idea that the faster we move, the more we may “see without seeing”. When the lines painted on a highway seem to stretch as our speed increases, what about the travelled landscapes? Do they merge into mixed impressions that has more to do with the memory than the objective eye? When travelling at high speed, does the depth of field vanish to become a surface, a screen, or a painting machine?

UPDATED TIMES:Broken City Lab Residency

Broken City Lab Residency:
July 9 – 13, 2012
Over the course of a weeklong residency, Broken City Lab (BLC) will engage in a series of exploratory public interventions, micro-gestures, and tactical DIY responses to North Bay. Join members of BCL on Tuesday night at 8pm for a psycho-geographic walk around the downtown starting at White Water Gallery, an “afternoon intervention task force” on Wednesday at 7pm, and an outdoor participatory public projection event on Thursday night at 9pm. Each event will call on public participation to engage with North Bay, its infrastructures and its communities. Throughout the residency, BCL will be collecting research on North Bay in support of an exhibition in the fall that will aim to not only examine the practice and production of a northern locality, but also present a range of resistive tactics that can help the community survive, or help one survive the community.