An Objective Odyssey

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The White Water Gallery presents Bambitchell and their project “An Objective Odyssey” for Ice Follies 2014.

“Look, there’s no sense pretending history is a goddamn Homeric odyssey” – Barbara Kingsolver, The Lacuna.

An Objective Odyssey is a site-specific installation on frozen Lake Nipissing using found objects that were historically traded across the water. Employing the style of a contemporary detective fiction, revealing mysterious clues along the way, An Objective Odyssey makes use of these objects in order to playfully interrogate the history of trade and colonization through the waterways

of Northern Ontario. This project marks the beginning of a year-long process of research by Bambitchell culminating in an exhibition at White Water Gallery in North Bay.


Bambitchell Bio
Bambitchell is a collaboration between Toronto-based mixed media artists Sharlene Bamboat and Alexis Mitchell. Their practice uses queer and feminist frameworks in order to reimagine borders, historical patterns of movement and mobility, labour, migration and memory. These frameworks, often formalized through irony and a camp aesthetic, provoke an invitation to re-think and re-form common understandings of immigration and colonial practices. Bamboat & Mitchell both have independent art practices, and program for Pleasure Dome Experimental Film & Video Collective.

Returning to our Roots

rootsThe White Water Gallery (WWG) is one of the oldest Artist-Run Centres (ARCs) in Canada, having been formed in 1974 and incorporated in 1977.  Over the years WWG has showcased hundreds of artists and featured exhibitions and events of regional, provincial, and national importance. This has resulted in the accumulation of hundreds of print-based and audio/visual materials of cultural significance. In an effort to preserve and document the rich history of our organization we have utilized technological innovations that will make information more accessible and easier to manage… in short, we are posting our exhibition archives on the internet.

Returning to our Roots is a large-scale archiving project that celebrates the history of the White Water Gallery by looking at key moments in the organization’s history and showcasing our programming achievements. We will be launching this new digital archive in September of 2014 as part of our local Culture Days Celebration.

White Water Gallery would like to acknowledge the Government of Ontario for their generous support of this project.