Ann Marie Hadcock: “Natured Things”

05_AnnMarieHadcock_taprootOpening September 11th @ 7pm and running until October 18th, 2014.

Ann Marie Hadcock is a visual artist working in installation and sculpture who creates anomalous material forms that inhabit places. The form of the work remains ambiguous; a poetic metaphor of naturally occurring things. Site-specific installations emphasize the features of places through a transformative “mapping/drawing” process, a creative response to the surroundings she encounters. The energy, history and geography of a location become active compositional elements bringing vibrancy, significance and context to the work. The ephemeral materials used in these installations are lightweight, enabling the work to be transported on foot to remote locations and installed temporarily. Artwork being placed in unexpected locations extends the visual language of public art beyond the confines of traditional public spaces, adding new layers of wonder and interpretation to both work and site. The site (once the installation is removed) is returned to its natural state with no remnants of the work left behind.


Screening and Artist Talk
August 21st @ 7pm


Oh, look at my face
My name is might have been
My name is never was
My name’s forgotten.

— Courtney Love

This experimental documentary video follows the work of Breeden, a young American videographer working in independent film and hardcore gay pornography. The video is an anti-portrait: while Breeden remains at the centre of the document, he is never revealed to the viewer. He is a figure and a presence, working from behind the camera or being represented in proxy by amateur actors. Made up of a mixture of appropriated material and scripted reenactments, Breeden examines questions around queer representation, anonymity, biography, and authorship.