Downtown Gallery Hop on September 19th

Hadcock OpeningMake sure to drop by the Gallery to see Ann Marie Hadcock’s “Natured Things” during the  Downtown Gallery Hop on Friday, September 19th from 7:00 – 9:30 pm. The exhibition features two site-specific installations, one in the Gallery and one down at the waterfront, that will be on view until October 18th.

*The date was mistakenly published as September 20 in our last newsletter. We apologise for any confusion.

White Water Gallery General Meeting

The White Water Gallery invites all general members to a meeting on October 3rd at 7pm to gather for the purposes of revising our Constitution and Bylaws as we are applying for Supplementary Letters Patent. This is part of the process that must be taken to gain charitable status and as such we have called this meeting quickly to make the following changes:

Revision #1

Article 2: Objectives
Section 1: To Exhibit Contemporary, Innovative Visual Art. The primary objective of the Gallery shall be to bring to the community of North Bay the work of contemporary, innovative, visual artists. Section 2: To Present Special Cultural Events. A further objective of the Gallery shall be to bring to the community of North Bay special artistic and cultural events, such as presentations of media art, performance art, film and video screenings, concerts, lectures, workshops, and literary readings. Section 3: To Act as a Resource Centre. A further objective of the Gallery shall be to act as a resource centre and meeting place for individuals and community groups interested in the arts. Section 4: To Promote Contemporary Art. A further objective of the Gallery shall be to promote interest in contemporary art within the community and the schools.

Revision (Recommended by CRA):
Article 2: Objectives
To advance the public’s appreciation of the arts by producing public art exhibitions and presentations, and by providing a forum for qualified artists to exhibit, present, or perform their artistic works through participation in such events.

Revision #2

Article 7: Dissolution
The White Water Gallery may only be dissolved by agreement of a four-fifths majority of the General Membership present at an Annual General Meeting. Upon dissolution, the Board of Directors shall have power to dispose of the property and assets of the Gallery in a way they feel will benefit the community, after paying all debts and liabilities of the Gallery.

Revision (Recommended by CRA):
Upon the dissolution of the corporation and after payment of all debts and liabilities, its remaining property shall be distributed or disposed of to charities registered under the Income Tax Act (Canada), in Canada.

If you have any questions or wish to review our existing constitutions and bylaws. Please feel free to contact the White Water Gallery at (705)476-2444 or via email at or please find the existing documents in the link below.

white water gallery constitution