Zombie Walk and Open Mic Zombie Night with Rocky Horror Picture Show: A White Water Gallery Fundraiser.
Grab your scariest ghoulish costume and come join the march of the dead. We will start the Zombie walk at Discovery North and continue down Main Street, through the streets of downtown North Bay and end the walk at The Raven and Republic. The Zombie walk is open to all ages.
Join us afterwards at the Raven and Republic for Open Mic Zombie Night and a showing of the cult classic ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’. Whether you remain dead or time warp into another costume, make sure to bring your toast, rubber gloves and cards, because this is going to be a crazy event with one-liners, singing and prop flinging. To attend this event you must be 19 or older.
The Raven and Republic, in partnership with Creemore Springs Beer will be donating a dollar to our organization for every pint of Creemore that is sold.
** Please no candles, rice or hot dogs/sausages as props. Let’s keep this event safe and clean!
Location for the Zombie Walk: Discovery North
Time: 7:00PM
Location for Open Mic and Rocky Horror Picture Show: The Raven and Republic
Time: 9:00PM
Cover at the Door: $7