Jordan Starr

Jordan Starr: Austin Busker

Jordan Starr. Austin Busker. 2011.
silver gelatin – fibre based photograph. 11 x 14 in.
Sale price: $150

Jordan Starr is a black and white film photographer with an educational background in sociology, philosophy and social work. These discourses give him a critical eye for the social environment, which causes his work to take a more documentary–‐style approach and dive into various contemporary societal topics of work, food production, homelessness and music, just to name a few. To him, the most interesting aspects of photography are within the art of displaying social issues visually as well as producing photographs that ask questions and deliver clues to complex answers about the social world around us.

His genuine approach to photography has led him to document a farming season on a small organic farm in northern Alberta in 2009 and deep into the subway system in New York City to display the lives and labour of Subway Musicians or “Buskers” in 2011. He Is currently developing a body of work, portraying the lives of homeless youth through artifacts and architecture of shelter life.

Jordan chooses to work exclusively with black and white film for it’s unique aesthetics and gritty undertones. He does his own developing and printing in the darkroom. He feels it is critical to be involved every part of the print–‐making process as each stage effects the final interpretation of the images he creates.

Please direct all sales inquiries to White Water Gallery.