November 9th – December 21st, 2012

The MAKE YOUR MARK fundraiser is an interactive public engagement event where participants pay $5 to “graffiti” the gallery’s walls during November and December. Materials will be provided and anyone can participate. Participants are encouraged to be creative, critical, pro-active, or political and respond to the work of other contributors as they see fit. There are no restrictions on subject matter (other than obvious legal/safety restrictions), so some content may not be suitable for all viewers. But if there’s something you don’t like make a change, make a comment, and make your mark!


Gateway Banner Festival Silent Auction

Gateway Banner Festival 2012

Flora & Fauna

Downtown North Bay (The Downtown Improvement Area) has conducted a joint effort between the DIA Beautification Committee and the DIA Promotions Committee.  The second annual GATEWAY BANNER FESTIVAL – Flora & Fauna – was an event that combined North Bay’s cultural heritage and strong artistic community with our beautiful downtown. Now its time to auction these unique creations ending the festival and bringing our community together as part of a huge celebration.

For further information please contact Jeff Serran, Executive Director at (705) 474-7824 or