Announcement: Black Water Art cancelled

For the last three years White Water Gallery has run Black Water Art, a short, commercial exhibition where 100% of the proceeds from sales went directly to the artists. Members were able to submit a piece for free while non-members paid a submission fee of $30 (Memberships cost $25 a year so it was cheaper to become a member). We have recently been informed that this exhibition is contrary to Canada’s regulations governing charitable organizations, and in response we have cancelled the Black Water Art exhibition.

We want to thank the artists that have participated in this event in the past for making each year’s exhibition a success, and we hope to find new ways to engage our members in the future.

Thanks everyone for a great three years!

Pub Night fundraiser November 18th

Pub Night posterThe White Water Gallery will be hosting a pub night at Cecil’s Eatery & Beer Society on November 18th from 8pm – 1am featuring an open mic and salon-style art gallery. In addition to being an opportunity to showcase local artistic talent, the fundraiser is also an opportunity for members of the community to meet the Gallery’s board of directors and staff.

The White Water Gallery’s Social Response Committee (SRC) is inviting artists to participate in the salon by bringing up to two pieces of their work to display in Cecil’s Map Room during the event. There is limited space, so works will be displayed on a first come, first serve basis, and all works must be removed by the end of the evening. Any dimensions, style, or medium is accepted, but the artwork must be able to be displayed on site. There will be chairs and tables available for displaying work, but artists are welcome to bring in their own easels if they wish. The Gallery is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items, and any sales of work are the responsibility of the artist.

There is a $5 cover charge to attend the event, and all funds raised at the door will directly support the White Water Gallery. Artists are also welcome to participate in our open mic in Cecil’s main room.