Peripheral Islands III

An evolving web-based exhibition by Cassidy Bankson, Anna Camilleri and Roberto Santaguida.

Roberto Santaguida

Since completing his studies in film production at Concordia University, Roberto Santaguida’s films and videos have been shown at more than 300 international festivals.  Roberto is the recipient of the K.M. Hunter Artist Award, the Chalmers Arts Fellowship and a fellowship from Akademie Schloss Solitude in Germany.

Anna Camilleri

Anna has been working with performance, image, and text for over 25 years, with credits including book works, performance, and public artworks and installations. Camilleri is artistic co-director of ReDefine Arts & Red Dress Productions

Cassidy Bankson

Cassidy Bankson is a dancer, visual artist and filmmaker based in Toronto. She has an Honours BA in Social Anthropology from the University of King’s College in Halifax and studied movement-based expressive arts at the Tamalpa Institute in California.

CLICK HERE TO VIEW Peripheral Islands III

Covid-19 Update/Website Update

To our friends, families and visitors,

The WWG team would like to thank you for thinking of us and visiting our website! We hope you are well and that Artists are finding ways to be creative in these strange times. Bare with us as we reshape our website to accommodate online programming and brush up on web skills!

Again, we hope you are all doing well and staying safe!

– Team WWG