Exhibition Assistance

WWG is a Zone 5 recommender to the Ontario Arts Council (OAC) Exhibition Assistance Program. This program provides grants between $500 and $2000 for costs related to presenting work for a confirmed exhibition.

In addition to the OAC program priorities and criteria, the Gallery prioritizes applications from artists at a significant point in their practice, helping them to disseminate their work beyond their locality and increasing the public’s capacity to view contemporary art across Ontario.

Applicants to Exhibition Assistance through WWG must reside in Zone 5. If you live in an area outside of Zone 5, please refer to the list of the other recommender galleries.

We accept and assess applications on an ongoing basis until funds are spent.

How to apply:

Exhibition assistance applications are processed through OAC’s online granting portal, Nova. We no longer accept emailed or mailed applications. If you live in Zone 5 and would like to apply to WWG, create an account in OAC’s Nova portal and submit your application to us through the portal directly.

Complete instructions and requirements are listed in the application in Nova. For help creating a profile or submitting an application in Nova, see the Nova User Guide.

For more information, please contact the Gallery by phone at (705) 476-2444 or by email at director@whitewatergallery.com.

Welcome to Our New Executive Director, Alex Maeve Campbell

The White Water Gallery is very pleased to announce the appointment of our new Executive Director, Alex Maeve Campbell.

Alex has been serving the North Bay art community for 14 years in various capacities. She is a multidisciplinary artist, curator, writer, and arts administrator who brings many skills to the job. Alex is an alumnus of the University of Toronto and has worked in public art gallery, artist-run centre, arts collective, and arts service organization settings. She is a former editor of Toronto-based literary magazine Descant, and is the founder of North Bay’s Downtown Gallery Hop.