The Call for Submissions for Art Fix’s 4th Annual Juried Visual & Media Arts Exhibition is here!
Deadline: Thursday March 19th, 2020 at 5pm (updated).
This year ‘In the Picture’ will be Art Fix’s 4th Annual Juried Visual & Media Arts exhibition, which showcases the talents of emerging and established artists who identify as having a lived experience of mental health and/or substance use. In order to submit to the jury artist must be residents of North Eastern Ontario, who are 16 years or older, and who self identify as living, or have lived in the past, with mental health and/or substance use. The exhibition will be hosted by the White Water Gallery through the Art Fix collective; an organization that promotes the well-being of those affected by mental health and/or substance use.
Prizes will be awarded by the jury to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Voting will be open again this year for the audience’s favourite!
To submit a piece of work drop by the White Water Gallery between now and the submission deadline to fill out a submission form and drop off your work. Work can also be submitted online through completing our google form, and attaching 1-2 digital images of your visual work or a link to an external site with your video (e.g. Dropbox, Vimeo, etc).
Call to Artists – Residents of North Eastern Ontario who self-identify as having lived experience of mental health and/or substance use
Age limit: 16 years and older
Artist may submit a maximum of 2 works of the following:
1. Two-dimensional -maximum size of 48”x72” and/or
2. Three-dimensional sculpture -maximum size of 24”x24”x24” and/or
3. Video art -maximum length of 10 minutes
Submission Form: We have two ways of submitting, in person or online.
In Person: To fill out a form in person drop by the White Water Gallery, 122 Main St E, between Tuesday – Saturday from 12-5pm with your artwork(s) and will print a form out for you. You can view the form in advance here…/1-zhF4zPBSBwSzKaqPMy4UwAFPW…/edit…
Online: This year we have an google form for online submissions which you can find here
For more information visit the White Water Gallery between:
Tuesday-Friday: 12:00-5:00pm

Poster art by Crystal Snoddon