White Water Gallery got a little bit folky on Friday, March 7th at 7:30 pm with a live performance/demonstration by Dr. Henry Adam Svec of music from LIVINGSTON’s Artficially Intelligent Folk Songs of Canada, Vol. 1 . This is album, the first composed by LIVINGSTON, “an artificially intelligent, digital organism capable of accessing the totality of the history of Canadian folk music (among other corpuses) and generating new yet hyper-authentic Canadian folk objects via her/his algorithmic agents and compression formats”, will be officiallyreleased at the event. Check out LIVINGSTON’s website to preview the album:

Svec also participated in a panel discussion, “For Folk’s Sake: The Art and Politics of Region in Canada”, with Dr. Erin Morton at Nipissing University. This presentation was conducted in partnership with Dr. Susan Cahill who helped with coordinating the whole things and brought these talented people to our community.