Propaganda: Art-Made Grenade

propagandaWhite Water Gallery would like to announce our new summer incubator “Propaganda: Art-Made Grenade” which focuses on providing professional development and collaborative art creation opportunities starting June 4th and going until July 20th. Events taking place as part of the incubator include but are not limited to: Artist-Talks, Workshops, Lectures, Panel Discussions and Community Arts Projects. These events will focus primarily on ZINE and Multiples culture with emphasis given to community exchanges and non-conventional ways of disseminating artistic practices. On July 19th & 20th a ZINE/Multiples fair will take place at WWG as a way to offer additional opportunities for the public to engage with art.

As with many WWG programs, “Propaganda: Art-Made Grenade” represents a metaphor within artist culture alluding to hidden and potentially explosive knowledge found within creations. Our goal with this program is to bring artists and art together in a series of free and “pay-to-play” events that engage with the local community of North Bay, Ontario and online through our website. For more information please look at our call for submissions page.

Confirmed Participants: Adam Beanish, Laura Little, Peter Sloan & Clayton Windatt.