MARCH 3 – 31, 2023
Video by Jennifer Dysart created for Archives of Resistance: Northern Migration ( viewable in the front window of White Water Gallery at 159 Main Street East.

A fire burns. Water flushes out the chemical leak. Will a historical moment in an archived film rise to the surface?
This project looks at the formation of the national narrative through the process of selection and elimination within traditional Canadian archives, which informs the colonial histories of Canada as well as its manifestations in today’s society.
Jennifer Dysart is an archive enthusiast and filmmaker. She has an MFA from York University and is an Artist-In-Residence for the Archive/Counter-Archive group. Currently residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Jennifer is Cree on her Dad’s side from northern Manitoba, German on her Mom’s side from Alberta and grew up in BC.
Archives of Resistance is curated by soJin Chun and programmed by the Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre (CFMDC).
soJin Chun is a Toronto-based curator/educator/artist that explores the alternative dialogues that emerge in-between cultures and disciplines. With a focus on connecting with youth, community members, and artists, her work unpacks identities and narratives that exist outside of dominant representations. soJin’s diverse art practice has been informed by her personal experience living in the Korean diaspora in Bolivia and Canada. She aims to create spaces to present contemporary art that is socially engaged and relevant to everyday communities. Collaboration is an essential part of her process as she has worked extensively with under-represented communities in Canada and South America. Through International artist residencies, soJin has developed a collaborative art practice working with local communities to resist stereotypes, gentrification and displacement. Chun has participated in international film festivals such as the Oberhausen International Film Festival (2020). She has exhibited Internationally in DIY art spaces, galleries and museums. soJin’s video works are represented by GIV (Montreal), CFMDC (Toronto) and Vtape (Toronto). Chun has a B.A. in Applied Arts from Ryerson University and a Masters in Communications and Culture from Ryerson/York Universities.
Archives of Resistance: NORTHERN MIGRATION is supported by the Ontario Arts Council and the Canada Council for the Arts.