Duke & Battersby: Curiosity Built the Cat

Duke & Battersby (1)Duke & Battersby: Curiosity Built the Cat
Curated by Evan Tyler
June 12 – July 25, 2015

Opening Reception: June 26, 2015 @ 7 pm

Cooper Battersby and Emily Vey Duke are partners in life, art and curious inquisitions into the human condition. Since the mid-1990’s, the duo known as Duke and Battersby have produced an impressive number of works in a diversity of media that include video, sculpture, installation, printed matter and the written word.

The show “Curiosity Built the Cat” provides the audience with a survey of some of their most profound works from 1997 to the present, and also features the Canadian premiere of their latest video Dear Lorde. This exhibition expresses the essence of a true lifelong collaboration: the unique, poetic pursuit of curiosity and empathy.

www.dukeandbattersby.com                            www.evantyler.ca

We’ve renovated!

Renovations (5)We had some spare time between shows so we decided to spruce up the Gallery a little bit… well, more than a little bit. We’ve overhauled the entire space, starting with the floor and working our way up to the ceiling. If you haven’t had a chance to check things out, you should swing by sometime soon. It’s amazing what has been accomplished with a just little elbow grease and some awesome volunteers!