Thank you!

Your support for WWG’s activities as a member enables us to continue to stretch imaginations in the Nipissing region and beyond.

Please swing by the gallery at 122 Main Street East to drop off your membership form, and pick up your membership card sometime soon!  We look forward to seeing you then, and in the meantime, if you have any questions, please email:

Lets make things happen!

The Spectrum of Hypergeometric Distribution

Follow the teal and B&W lines that the Point of No Return Collective has installed from the White Water Gallery door, and as you turn the corner, you will find that the orderly institutional guides start to jump, twist, and break as they wind toward the main wall of the gallery.
After blasting through video art works by soJin Chun and Ulysses Castellanos, those lines spill onto the gallery floor, where you can trace the remains of our institutionalized society, to a large video and sound installation that journeys beyond the edges of our universe…. where you will encounter no deeper meaning.  What matters, then, is the meaning we each make.
You’ve only got until Saturday October 24th to see what you might make of this impressive installation work, so we hope to see you sometime over the next couple of weeks!