Leah Symington. Tip Toe Apus. 2011.
charcoal on paper. 16 x 20 in.
Sale price: $275
Using charcoal drawings, I depict unusual viewpoints of traditional yoga postures, coupled with complimentary celestial constellations in an attempt to connect ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ space. It is my goal to provide a new sense of perception based on physical capabilities of the human body, through distorted angles to encourage the viewer to observe closely, and comprehend whether they are looking at something depicting truth, or something created out of imagination. Figures appear to float ungrounded, with limbs that visually protrude forward out of the drawing, whereby challenging (but not breaking) the rules of perspective.
I choose to work with charcoal on paper because of the rich gradient of tones it allows; these variations permit my figures to resemble real life without rendering local colour. My fingers are my primary tool, which help me control the medium as well as develop a physical connection to the piece.
Yoga and meditation have become important in my life, and the metaphysical relationship between the individual being and the immensity of the universe is something that I find fascinating, and subsequently decide to explore through my work.
Please direct all sales inquiries to White Water Gallery.